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\ 12月20日(金)よりレッスン動画【Episode1】を会員様限定で無料公開始めました / ※会員登録無料




The archive of the 1st Q&A Session

I’m having difficulty on how to properly adjust/felt the cat ears position naturally. One of the ear always came out a little off. May I have some guidance on it?

1. Can you please consider adding a more detailed eye tutorial? I was hoping for more information about what you use to create different pigments and details as illustrated in one of you YouTube videos.

2. When selecting a model, do you choose a cats profile picture can best be replicated or is it more about your feeling towards the cat? Also can a Sphynx cat (hairless) be created?
Thank you

I am trying to follow the lesson, but the chin area has become very large.
How can I correct the enlarged area, not only the chin, without changing the impression of the rest of the body?

I am having grasping the shape of the base around the cat’s mouth. In particular, I am struggling to find the shape of the mouth hollows and jaws. I would appreciate your advice.

Why is the fabric felt used for the base gray?
I felt that using the color used for the finished work from the beginning would give a better image.
Any reason for the choice of gray?

When I print the pattern paper myself, for example, if I want to use 12mm eyes, should I adjust the width of the cat’s eyes in the image to 12mm before printing?

目次/Table of contents

