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\ 12月20日(金)よりレッスン動画【Episode1】を会員様限定で無料公開始めました / ※会員登録無料





【Episode 8・Lesson 1】Originality

Thank you so much for watching so far!

What I have shown you this time is how to make a semi-3-dimensional cat face. You can make a variety of cats by arranging colors and patterns, and of course, the method of taking a shape from a pattern can be applied to animals other than cats.
If you change the process of attaching ears, you can use the same technique for full-body cats.

I wonder, “What kind of work of art would I want to present the cat's face as?” Please try to add your own flavor to it.

I am very happy that we can find joy together through needle felting and connect with many other people.

I hope that your creations will shine even brighter.


目次/Table of contents

