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\ 12月20日(金)よりレッスン動画【Episode1】を会員様限定で無料公開始めました / ※会員登録無料

How to Participate in the 1st Wakuneco Q&A Session

The 1st Wakuneco Q&A Session will be held on Zoom.
Weʼve sent the participation URL for the session via email to everyone who has purchased pecola content.
Please use the link in the email to join.We look forward to seeing many of you there!

Title: The First Wakuneco. Q&A Session
Date: Friday, January 31, 2025, 10:00 AM (JST)
Eligibility: Open to those who have purchased pecola content
How to Participate: One week before the session, you will receive an invitation email with a question submission form and the Zoom link.

Important Notes ※You cannot access the Q&A session directly from the website.
※The Zoom URL for participation has been sent via email.
※Please ensure you can receive emails from