猫を愛するもの同士、ものづくりを楽しむもの同士、こうして皆さんとつながることがで き、本当に嬉しく思います。
「猫の作り方」といっても、ここでお伝えしているテクニックは、あらゆる手段のうちのたっ た一つでしかありません。
型紙の作り方や、顔のバランスの取り方をマスターすれば、あとは色と柄を変えることに よって様々な猫を作ることができます。
Welcome to WAKUNECO Lesson!
I am Sachi, an artist.
In Japanese, “Waku'' in Wakuneco means frame, and “Neco'' means cat.
I started making frame cats in 2015. At that time, this style was still rare.
I have never learned how to make cats, so I had to find my own way through trial and error.
The method of making cats shown here is the one I have tried and think is the best.
However, there is no one and only fixed way to create a work of art.
What is important is to imagine what kind of work you want to create.
If you do so, you will find that there are an infinite number of ways to do so.
Please take the know-how we share here and try to arrange it in your own way.
You will surely find a new taste that you have not yet discovered.
I am very happy to have made friends with all of you through needle felting.
May your creations be filled with joy.